Videos and Documents


— A formal apology from Bela’s husband for the intimidation as demonstrated by raising his voice and Pounding his fist on the table during arbitration in what seems to be an attempt of assault. Due to these actions, I felt inhibited to continue this arbitration to prevent more verbal abuse, and quite possibly physical assault.  Another reason for responding in this manner was that his wife’s face was bandaged and I was afraid that any escalating tension might end up affecting her physically.  This immediate observation which compelled me to temporarily withdraw from the negotiation at hand was also to avoid the possibility of any physical harm to myself when it was clear that this was the best way to maintain composure, I therefore decided to go.  There should be emphasis on apologizing specifically for lying about the phone call he made on Saturday, January 24 around 4:40 PM from phone number 0961599251.  To be clear, an apology for telling me as only a maniac could to go *uck my mother in that I was sick, and to go back to Canada, and to get out of Taiwan, and that nobody likes me or wants me here.  To better illustrate what this apology should be see this:

I Mr. _____________ wish to sincerely apologize for slandering Mr. Ross Cline for the majority of what was suppose to be our mediation time in Hsinchu on Thursday, January 28.  While I technically had met him, on the evening of the signing of the contract last year, I had never actually genuinely ever met Mr. Ross Cline.  During that one encounter I was aside resting, and Bela apologized for me being so rude in her email to him the next day, and Ross Cline kindly thought nothing of it and kindly dismissed my behavior as being tired from driving from Hsinchu.   He kindly gave Bela about NT$10,000 which was all the money he had at that time so that she could rest assured he was serious, and he paid the remaining deposit and all other payments in accordance with his word and the contract.  In hindsight I regret trying to intimidate Ross Cline with that nasty phone call.  I am sorry that I lied about it and realize he is here alone and his family very far away, and my blind greed overtook and possessed me and I am ashamed of how foolish and ignorant and pompous it must have seemed with me letting the desired goal for Bela’s property, which is to generate money, have me so under its control that I stooped this low.  I hope this apology can help and all wrong done can be water under the bridge.



— no more surprise visits...

— Any repairs, maintenance, or replacements that may arise, are to be completed within ...

— If at any time the landlord chooses to deal with the rolling metal gate replacement or to repair ...

— Rent will now less unfairly be $28,000 per month, with no increase during the 5 year term...

Since the installation and purchase of a new functional/safe rolling gate could amount to NT$400,000 according to the former realtor, who apparently paid the fee to get this quote, and knowing that this is a huge immediate expense, I would be ready to negotiate that a rental payment of NT$28,000 a month thus relieving the landlord from such a large immediate expense. It’s

However, after meeting with Bela’s husband when he was not aside sleeping or resting, he seemed to believe he knew me very very well indeed, and seemed to clearly be pressing for me to get out and terminate the contract immediately or soon.  Because of all the video, and all correspondence evidence coupled with the particularly telling information in them, anything less than the amount tallied up below would not bode well for anyone claiming this was not just simply a fraudsters swindle racket. This is more than fair and generous, all things considered.

All rent paid up to the point of the refund, presently it is 6 months rent or NT$222,000

Print work NT$50,000

Miscellaneous fees $20,000

The price I paid the moving truck NT$15,000

The price I paid for the removal of the wall and the floor and the reception which add value to the place as far as finding any potential new renter. NT$12,000

TOTAL NT$319,000  if paid before February 28 or all rent paid up to the point of the refund.

— Contractual agreements in terms of a guarantee or something I should trust are logically useless at this point because the record clearly tells me that I am dealing with crooks. Unless there is a safeguard of an intermediary holding any money that will be returned to me in the future there is no deal!

— Backdated rent adjustments have been made with my accountant and will be deducted from rental payment to the landlord upon paying rent. Taxation on and NT$28,000 rent per month.

— I have decided to go forward with this new rent, because negotiating has unfortunately been proven to be a pointless and insulting endeavor, and the prospect of NT$319,000 cash before the end of this month seems farfetched. To show understanding of the holiday/season making this month short notice, If the above points including the apology and establishing an intermediary are not met before April 29, 2021, there can be no more money paid to avoid it being argued legal consent.